St.Xavier School Khatima, Uttarakhand - 262308, Email: Phone : 9634022150

Instruction to the Class Teachers

Home >Instruction to the Class Teachers
  • Give the most conducive environment to your students and be their biggest cheerleader.
  • Set classroom norms with the help of the students and encourage them to adhere to the same at all times.
  • Be open and willing to learn at all times. Strive to improve your teaching each and every day, even when you've been in the classroom for years.
  • Ensure 100 % participation of students in Integrated Introductory Activity. The activity should be prepared one month in advance.
  • Class teacher must try to help each child in achieving the maximum learning outcomes in her class, however, the minimum learning outcomes must be achieved by each student in all respect.
  • All lesson plans must be based on joyful learning to enhance skills and all-round development of the child.
  • Class teachers and subject teachers must meet once a month to identify learning gaps and prepare remedial plan for the same.
  • Weekly department meeting and monthly staff meeting must be attended by all.
  • Based on the result analysis, low achievers to be identified and arrangements for remedial classes must be done. Peer tutor and group teaching must be encouraged for the identified students. Detail schedule for the same to be prepared by the class-coordinators.
  • Any lapses in the delivery of the content must be brought to the notice of the class-coordinator.
  • Always be fair and consistent as your students are looking up to you as their role model.

Punctuality and Attendance
Parent Teacher Meeting & Follow-up
School Almanac
Evaluation of Pupils‟ Work
Maintenance of Notebooks
Cross Checking Schedule of Notebook Corrections
Monthly Themes