St.Xavier School Khatima, Uttarakhand - 262308, Email: Phone : 9634022150


Home >School Anthem

Comrades! Raise a joyful chorus, Loud and glad your hearts outpour
Let us sing with jubilation,
A song of duty done:
A song of exaltation,
Of laurels fought and won:
Of many glorious years in store,
A song to sound from shore to shore:
They've carved out a name in the roll of fame:
The students of St. Xavier's.
Uplift our voices to proclaim,
And let the whole world heed:
In class, in the field, at work, at play,
St. Xavier's take the lead.
Yet not alone for worldly fame,
Success or honor, wealth or name;
For God and our Faith, first place we claim:
The students of St. Xavier's